Clinical Psychologist
Adele Green, PhD, is a licensed psychologist with more than 20 years of experience conducting comprehensive neuropsychological evaluations for children, adolescents, and adults. She is a nationally recognized expert in the assessment of attention and learning problems, specializing in assessing language, attention, executive functioning disorders, learning, emotional and social challenges. The individualized report she provides fully documents the specific underpinnings of each area of learning challenge. Whether there are mild or serious emotional challenges, there is a complete synthesis of the test and history data, which explains the roots of the challenges and how they affect academic, social, and/or emotional behavior. Recommendations always include specific intervention, accommodations, and in-school support when appropriate, as well as a detailed description of strategies to enable the individual to feel more skilled and emotionally empowered to act effectively in their environment.
Dr. Green received her Ph.D. in Educational Psychology from Kent State University in 1984. Her prior extensive experience in English as a Second Language included co-authoring two textbooks, one in English as a Second Language and the other in Cross Cultural Awareness. With a long-standing interest in learning and how people learn, her dissertation was on where certain types of information are processed in the brains of students at different states of second language acquisition (referred to at that time as ‘lateralization’), i.e., beginners, intermediate and completely fluent. With two articles from her dissertation immediately published in a peer review journal (Brain and Language, Academic Press), she then taught at Youngstown State University for about 5 years while conducting research using the same noninvasive technique to explore how information is processed. Shortly after relocation in 1991 to the D.C. metro area, Dr. Green completed a 2-year postdoctoral fellowship in neuropsychology through the Department Of Pediatrics at Johns Hopkins Medical School in a Department that ultimately was called the Department Of Neuropsychology at Kennedy Krieger Institute. The goal of the evaluation is to enable the individual to feel more skilled and emotionally empowered to act effectively in their environment — the latter a basic human need.